Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Sometimes burdens...

... are truly just blessings is disguise.

Today I found myself feeling a lot of different emotions. This morning didn't start off as planned, and the day seemed to follow suit. People all day were constantly surprising me by their actions, now I'm not saying I never act in ways that I am not proud of but, I couldn't figure out why people were being so... cruel. Then I got home and watched the episode of Oprah from today. I had DVR'd this episode because it was about the freedom riders from the 1960s. These men and women who put their lives on the line, signed their last will and testament, and got on a bus to stand up for those who didn't have the chance to put me in tears. In the 1960s segregation, prejudice, racism, it was all still occurring in America. Martin Luther King Jr was fighting for equality. People shake their heads at me and don't want to listen when I get so worked up about things like this but, who ever said it was okay to judge someone by the color of their skin? Who in their right mind thought that someone's skin made them lesser of a person, of a human being? I can not fathom people like this. Call me crazy, call me a hippie I don't care, but I still see it today. Prejudice is still seen, racism, I saw and heard acts of just this week. I'll just put it out there because I truly care about this individual, someone I know was not invited some where due to the color of their skin. How do you tell someone, a young someone at that, that even though these people have probably never met them, they already dislike them. Not cause of normal high school stuff like rumors, but because they are simply of a darker tone of skin. It literally infuriates me. 
Freedom Riders, 1961

Tonight I was able to attend my friend Lindsey's showing and she was amazing as usual. But some of the other works caught my eye too. A certain series about love, not romantic crap, but loving each other not based upon race, sexual preference, or gender. Which naturally sent me spiraling into a conversation with Alyssa, whom I had taken with me to the show. This then went into a discussion about life. I believe in God, I believe in something, someone, having some greater influence in our lives if we so choose to seek it. I also believe sometimes we are given blessings in disguise. We might not always be dealt the hand we want in life, but God, or whomever you may believe in, wouldn't have given us anything we couldn't handle. Life isn't easy; it isn't easy for the teenager trying to make it through high school, the college senior trying to graduate, or the new mother trying to carve a path for now, not only herself, but her child too. We all have struggles, we all have weaknesses, and we all have times when we loose sight. I don't mean to preach, or rant, or anything. I don't know what I am supposed to do on this earth, and I don't where this life will take me. All I know is I love seeing people happy and I feel that to my core. I feel like there is more to come for me, I feel like I'm supposed to be a part of something bigger then myself.
I guess today my point wasn't to rant, although I did, but it was to how you that no matter where you are in your life, where you're going, or where you might have been, there is always a tomorrow. There is always a better day, it might not come right away but if you seek it, it will come. Those freedom riders who risked their lies and were beaten, they made it possible today for us to be one nation. I ask that you take some time and see what you can do to better yourself, maybe even better America. Smile and remember tomorrow is truly a new day, and sooner or later today, will only be a distant memory in the past...

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