Sunday, April 10, 2011

through the lens.

Today I don't have a ton to say, I just want to share some pictures that have inspired me :) Enjoy...

These pictures (minus the last one) are all from the National Geographic website. I truly love finding pictures on there that make me realize there is s much more in this world. We go through our day to day lives worrying, stressing, and so fixated on what's "important". Sometimes we forget to look around and see what's right there in front of us. So much is happening from the Government making budget cuts, when they are actually cutting our military's pay. These men and women defend us every single day, putting their lives on the line, and we're cutting their pay? I personally know many people in different branches of the military and to think that they are defending us and loosing money just astounds me. I would like to personally thank all our soldiers for everything that they do for us every single day. I am amazed at your strength, commitment, and determination to keep us safe at home. You are all in my prays every day, and I owe my life to you. 

All I ask of you today/tomorrow (since it's late that I am posting this) is to take a moment and stop, put down whatever it is in your hands (yes that includes cell phones) and even if you don't believe in God say a few words for those we have lost throughout our nations history do to wars, or battles, or terrorist attacks. Take a moment and pause to say thank you. 
I may not be some amazing writer, or a great example of what anyone should want to be but today I've come to realize I am me, and I can't make excuses, I won't make excuses for who I am. It's slightly liberating :)
Stay true, stay you, and inspire someone to be the best that they can be :)

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