Tuesday, March 6, 2012

From nothing, comes nothing.

Ive had this quote above tattooed on my right forearm for over a year now and everyday it reminds me that I have to work for something, because in life if you don't put any work in you're not going to have anything come out. And today while sitting in a class taught by Geno Stampora, it hasn't rang truer to me since I was taught it over two years ago.
There are so many things I want to be in this lifetime, so many things I want to experience. As I sit here and think about where the people I look up to came from, I remind myself that what matters the most is hard work, practice, dedication, and passion. Because most people i admire came from nothing and work their asses off to become the person they are today. Without these key things where do you find yourself? I above all things want to be viewed as a genuine, passionate, hard working stylist; because, that's who I am. Every part of me has been brought up to be who I am today, and I am forever grateful for that.
I am one of those people that cares far too much what other people think all of the time. I try so very hard to hide it but it sneaks up constantly. It's bloody annoying, and it holds me back. What I try to remind myself of, is that I need to be the confident, smart, caring individual that I know I am. I love the industry that I am in because it allows me to be who I am unconditionally. Who is able to say that? Who can tell you they truly love everything about their industry?
So many things were taught to me today, and some things I can proudly say I have already been trying to implement into my life on a daily basis. I live on quotes, on dreams, and on crazy chances and ideas; not only because I am a dreamer, and slightly a hopeless romantic, but because I am so much more then that. Because I truly believe in the underdog, I believe in the crazy dreams people have, and I believe those dreams can come true. With the right combination of passion, love, hard work, and all that it takes you can make anything happen! No one holds you back but yourself, so go, fight for what you want even if everyone tells you no. I believe in YOU. Sometimes that's all you need, someone to have a little faith.
One of my favorite quotes I found while reading today was this, "you can't change the cards you're dealt, but you can change how you play the hand."
How great is that?! You can be dealt the worst hand, but how you handle that is where you'll learn about yourself.
I firmly believe that at the end of the day how you carry yourself, and your character shows you far more about a person then what car you drive, or the amount in your bank account.
I know I was put on this earth to do something, or be someone, and maybe I haven't figured that out yet. But i am pretty pumped to find out!

Dream big, work hard, and aim at nothing, because then you'll never miss, and your goals will be limitless:)

I don't have it all together, maybe I never will, but I am so beyond thankful for everyone in my life right now :)

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