Yesterday was TOMS day without shoes; you sacrifice one day without shoes for all those who don't have a choice. For those of you who don't know about TOMS shoes, it's the kind of deal where when you purchase one pair of shoes one pair goes to a kid who doesn't have any. One for one, what a simple yet effective concept that is realistic. I've these black TOMS for over a year now and they're pretty beaten up, I tend to wear them a whole lot :) So I got the brilliant idea to write on them in bleach, we'll see how it goes once it dries and all that but hey, it was a good idea. C'est la vie is French for "this is the life", sometimes I feel like people get so caught up in work, school, drama, anything and they loose sight of the fact that we only have one life and well quite frankly, shit happens. If you haven't accepted that yet, I can't help ya. This life is a gift but sometimes you gotta say the hell with it and have some fun. C'est la vie to me means always remembering that there is something way worse that could be happening to me and even though that doesn't make it any better it puts things into perspective, even if just for a quick moment.
Speaking of quick moments, I want to share with all of you a few things that will last me a lot longer then just a quick moment...
My tattoos.
(Photo by Lindsey Plevyak)
Ink is something that is so beloved to me, it's where you're words are brought into this world, it's where the simple act of writing something can be the beginning of a great work of art. Ink is more then just an essential part to tattooing something onto your body; ink is art. Tattooing is art. My tattoos started as an obsession, in the end they've all been last minute decisions. Everyone gives me weird looks when I say this but those last minute decisions have given me some of the best gifts, they've given me memories, and they've given me a way to remember someone very important to me forever. My first tattoo began simply as a clover with four leaves representing faith, love, hope, and luck.
(Photo by Lindsey Plevyak)
My heritage is mainly Irish and I knew it was something that I'd always want to pay homage to. It wasn't at first that I realized I wanted to make it a memorial piece. Which brings us to number two, my quote. "From nothing, comes nothing." Originally pulled from Shakespeare's King Lear this quote was brought to my attention by a very important person in my life, my art history professor, Professor Winer. This woman taught me more then she will ever know. Which is why it being Shakespeare is even more important, because another teacher, this one from high school, taught me more about myself and life then I could have ever thanked him for. Mr. Delise wasn't exactly loved by everyone but he demanded respect and well, he got it. These two teachers mean the world to me because they taught me that if you don't put anything in, any hard work or tears or sweat, you aren't going to get anything out and that's what "from nothing, comes nothing" means, you have to put something in to get something out.
When I went to get this I realized that I wanted to add my Nana's initials to my four leaf clover. My Nana, my mom's mom, was my rock growing up. I grew up in the same house as my mom did and my Nana lived with us, and from the time I was born to the day she died she was always taking care of me. She hit her head and it began a battle with early onset Alzheimer's disease. One moment I had my Nana, someone I loved so much and the next I had someone who couldn't remember me. She passed away in April of the 5th grade for me and she will be forever missed. RIP Nana, we love you.
My third tattoo was the addition of the feather onto the quote. I found this tattoo on a stamp and the next day got it tattooed on me. The feather's meaning is just to remember to always soar, keep pushing on and one day it'll all be worth it.
(Photo by Lindsey Plevyak)
Lastly, we have the horseshoe.
I grew up riding horses, and it is my first true love. The bond you can create, the friends you make, and the lessons you learn are truly amazing. I have learned what true hard work means, and I have made some life long friends along the way. The riding community is so amazing, and I couldn't have asked for a better way to grow up... well minus two concussions and multiple breaks to the tailbone :) My life wouldn't be the same without Alex in it and we worked our asses of every Sunday morning for well over a year and I wouldn't have changed it for the world because I love that girl to death and I don't know what I'd do without her :)
(Love you Ales!!)
I made an amazing friends from that chapter in my life and I became the person I am now from all the incredible and truly inspiring people I had the pleasure of meeting during that time of my life. This horseshoe isn't just a horseshoe to me, it's a symbol of where I became me. I know that my ribbons are collecting dust and my boots still are sitting in the basement, but those things, the material things, can collect all the dust they want because nothing will ever amount to how thankful I am for having had the ability to spend 10+ years covered in mud, with bruises, and a huge smile on my face.
(we're so little, miss you Dai!)
These tattoos aren't just tattoos to me, they are my life thus far. I began with my Nana, I grew up into who I am today because I rode horses, and I will continue to be who I am because I will always remember to put in everything I have and not let myself give less. Tattoos are looked down upon for whatever reason, but tattoos are art, they are true, unique ways to say whatever it is you want to say. I hope I didn't put you all to sleep because these memories are near and dear to my heart and these tattoos are representations of me :) I hope you enjoyed.
Thank you Lindsey for those amazing pictures you're a true artist :) Love you all, and I hope I inspired you today!