Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Thunder storms.

Thunder storms make me so happy. It means summer is coming, but there is a chance of snow this week? Only in Maryland. Today was dedicated to trying to find myself, trying to find something in my life that made some sense. Naturally we had a guest speaker that knew exactly what I was missing. The salon a block away from school O'HAIR came and the owner was just amazing. Normally guest speakers do one model maybe keep our attention and we might learn something. But today 4 models later, not a boring moment, and some valuable insights later I felt at ease and ready to come home and plan my life... well a little of it that is. Two quotes stood out to me today the first being:
"Life's about the dashes."
Life isn't about the beginning or the end. the day you're born or the day you leave this earth. That little dash that goes between those dates is so much more then a mark, a line, a pause. That dash is life, it's a journey, stories, tears, sweat, anger, passion, joy, happiness, love. It's everything, now how does that all fit in that little mark I don't know but it sure as hell has some power behind it. The dashes are those late nights trying to get your first kid to sleep, staying up talking to someone, dancing in the rain... those dashes are what makes us who we are. When this was said today I knew I wanted to write about it, not only because I personally liked it but because in my industry sometimes we get so caught up on our final goal that we forget to enjoy that dash time, we get so driven we don't see what's around us. This industry moves a mile a minute and we all need to remember to look around and always appreciate what we have and be grateful for all the connections we've had the pleasure of making. The second quote currently resides on the back of the new O'HAIR t-shirt:
"A man who works with his hands is a laborer. A man who works with his hands and his brain is a craftsman. A man who works with his hands, brains, and heart is an artist."
This struck a cord with me because coming from an artistic background you realize things based on how you feel them. Half the time I'll react to something solely on how it makes me feel whether it's the right way at the time or not. Creating something with your hands is so gratifying. Making someone happy, and confident with themselves is an amazing gift and I wouldn't trade it for anything. Jobs where you get to connect with people and work on expanding a relationship are so mentally and physically taxing. 
This past weekend I assisted on a fashion show at school and went the majority of the day not even worrying about anything else, I was so caught up in what I was doing that nothing else mattered and that is how passionate you should be about everything that matters to you. I love feeling like there is never going to be an end to the inspiration in my head. I've had my share of interesting friendships, and at the end of the day my passion is people. Some say I'm walked all over, some say I'm too nice and I need to learn to be a bitch. But I choose to see the best in people even when they don't see it in themselves. And with this passion, this career, I get to bring out that beauty for the rest of the world to see :) Stay inspired. 

1 comment:

  1. no no no you dont need to learn how to be a bitch... thats so opposite of what you need to be. holding your ground and earning respect is not about how rude or cocky you can be. its about confidence, being kind, being encouraging, and being the change you wish to see in everyone else. its making someone feel great about themselves, its about carrying yourself in a humble confident poise, and being there for others when they may need you. thats what its about. loving others as you wihs to be loved and glorifying God. Dont forget what we're meant for in this life. <3
