Thursday, March 31, 2011

efforts unmatched.

It's currently rainy and cold outside and if I didn't know better I'd say it was still winter; sadly, it's actually spring, and warm weather I miss you oh so much. Being sick on top of this is not fun either, so being stuck home in bed with a sinus infection has brought me to my new found love, blogging. 

Yesterday it was brought to my attention that someone I hold close to my heart was hurting and if you know me you know I'm not cool with people I care about being hurt. There are always going to be people who will put you down and dislike what you have to bring to the table but what one person thinks isn't what is important, what's important is what you think abut yourself. I've been learning this lately, and it's actually working. I have such a passion for the things in my life and the reason I've found that passion is because of this person, her name is Lindsey. She is an amazing friend, and an amazing photographer. Her love for her craft, her family and friends, and especially her love for God is so inspiring. Her blog is what got me started and helped me get my ideas out and into the world. So this my friends, is Lindsey :)
(love her!)

There is always one thing that will bring a smile to my face, and that's the new Vogue :) Anna Wintour, the editor in chief of Vogue, is amazing. Every month for the past twenty odd years she has had her life revolving around the amazing world of fashion, and lately I've found myself so obsessed with fashion. I've always had a love for fashion from a really young age and now it's only intensified over the years. Colors, textures, shapes, it all just makes me smile. I was once majoring in art and my favorite class was Art History, yes I am a closet nerd, and we covered so many different types of art it's almost now so drilled into my brain that I don't see just clothes when I look at something I see shapes, colors, and they all remind me of something that I've learned in the past. It might sound lame but I love it, I love museums, I love the stories, the history, it's all so full of life hundreds of years later. Realizing how happy these things make me reminds me how I used to see life so simply and purely, then things happened, my heart broke, my world shifted, and I all of a sudden was this different person. Someone I haven't liked. But right now I feel like this is where I'm meant to be. I'm sure of few things in this world, but one thing I can always be sure of is I am in control of my happiness, and you my friends are in control of yours. Do what makes you happy, for me right now it's taking some Claritin and watching a movie, because today is my day to get better so tomorrow will be a new day full of dreams and well, life. Till then I'm gonna go nap, find something you love and make it yours, stay true, and stay inspired :) 

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Never loose faith.

Lately I've become obsessed with blogs and everything about them. I love blogging, I love reading blogs, and I love the sound of my fingers hitting the keys as new dreams become goals. Right now my current obsession is a blog by a young lady named Zoe Badley...
(love her!)

I might not be perfect, and nor are you, whoever you are reading this, but I constantly feel the pressure to be perfect. But what is perfect? Is it being what society now calls acceptable? Is it making everyone around you happy, even if that means turning away from your own happiness? Perfect is something different to everyone, but that feeling is always there under everything I do. It seems that nothing I do is ever right. I tend to speak before I think, it gets me in trouble. I'm sarcastic at the wrong times, no one gets my humor, and I sometimes don't give things my all. I talk way too much, but maybe I just want someone to listen. Maybe I just want someone to notice that I try so hard to just be happy half the time and sometimes, well it doesn't work out. I'll be the first to say that I might not always make the best decisions but I know what means a lot to me and I know I'm passionate about it. I love my friends like family and I love making people happy. I love writing, reading, fashion, shoes, make up, photography... the list goes on. But most of all I've come to realize I love being me :)
(photo by Lindsey Plevyak)

Lately, due to my surge in inspiration I've been pulling pictures from everywhere that have stopped me in my tracks or for some reason just spoken to me, and I'd like to share a few with you :)
(Caitlin Worthington)
(Caitlin Worthington)
(Zoe Badley)
(Lindsey Plevyak)
(Lindsey Plevyak)

 Silly things catch my attention like butterflies and shiny objects, but what touches you deeply even for a moment is what you should treasure. I might be a dreamer but at least I put it out there. I'm still learning, growing, and understanding. There isn't a handbook on life; so my thoughts might be pointless to others, but to me my thoughts are my dreams, my dreams are my goals, and my goals WILL become my reality. Till then tell someone you love them, and as always stay inspired :) 

Monday, March 28, 2011

A few new delicious additions...

Oh the joys of shopping. This past weekend the dreaded words that started it all were said, "let's go to Nordstrom Rack." And from there my friends, it was all down hill. Sunday we embarked on a search for new spring inspired pieces, all black of course; kill me. Although I've come to love black and it's faithfulness to make you look skinnier, it gets a bit drab. Therefor, I go to my most favorite things ever... drum roll please. ACCESSORIES! Yes, I already have too many rings, shoes, scarves, headbands, etc. but a girl can never have enough, right? The BP section in Nordstrom provided the perfect silk scarf and Nordstrom Rack provided some nice pieces from BCBG and Love on a Hanger, but the real treasures came from a little place a friend told me about this past week. Charming Charlie's is ah-mazinggg. Color coordinated perfectly, I was in heaven :) Already planned an amazing outfit for Wednesday and tomorrow is focused around this amazing scarf pictured below long with my new favorite shoes (that have a bow on them of course) and an adorable teal and gold watch. 
Love themmm!

Anyways, lately I've had things changing and rather quickly. I'm learning to do things for me and to take chances. I've grown rather obsessed with blogs and now have at least 7 new additions to my book marks bar on the MAC. My dreams are continuously growing, changing, and evolving and I'm totally okay with that. One day I might want to be one way and tomorrow another. That's the beauty of fashion and well life itself. No where does it say in the imaginary handbook for like that you have to be a certain way. So don't let society or hell even your friends tell you different. Right now I'm focusing on me and where I want to be in a few years and as of now that's a little place I like to call...
New York City :) 

Have you ever had so many ideas in your head you can't even sleep or sit still? That is me right now, I just want to write it all down before I forget! With this Phase Two Application hanging over my head and lots of ideas to get out I better get started. Till tomorrow, never let anyone tell you that you're not great because someone somewhere loves you... hell I love everyone! The old Tiff is back in action, stuck with a sinus infection, but back and ready to take over! Watch out world & remember... stay inspired :) hugs!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

time heals all wounds...

Sometimes I believe the above statement, and sometimes I think it's a big fat lie. Right now in my life I've somehow managed to find myself living for other people. Basing my decisions off of what other people think, and not going for things because others don't want me to. I've always been a "people pleaser" but honestly, I just like making people happy. Lately it hasn't been making me happy. I've tried being what everyone wants me to be, and it's the farthest from myself I've been in a long time. I've caught myself doing things I wouldn't normally do in a million years, and I'm not happy with some decisions I've made, but I've learned. I have four amazing people that I can always count on and depend on and what's funny is one of them has a newborn baby. That is such a huge life changing thing to go through yet she is still here for me and my craziness. Alyssa is an amazing mother and I don't know what I'd do without her in my life, she deserves the best, and I am beyond amazed and proud of her :) Love you Lyss!!
I'm hopefully going to be fully in the honors program at school meaning I have to step it up. At first I was scared to be in Phase Two because it's a serious commitment, and I guess I was too caught up in stupid things outside of school that I thought I couldn't handle it. If I've learned one this the past year it's that I'm a lot stronger then I ever knew. So the plan from here? Step it up, stay late at school, work my ass off, and reap the rewards. Hard work isn't easy, but I love nothing more then making people happy, and I'm in the perfect industry where I have the opportunity everyday to make an impact on someone's life, I wouldn't trade that for the world. I may have gotten a little off my path and let something throw me off but the people that matter will always be there. Thank you everyone who is there for me and puts up with me, if it wasn't for you we all know I'd be even more of a mess :) So I leave you with this:

This picture makes me appreciate life. How can we have a world where we're so concerned about stupid little things all the time when there is beauty like this right outside our doors... stay inspired :)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Thunder storms.

Thunder storms make me so happy. It means summer is coming, but there is a chance of snow this week? Only in Maryland. Today was dedicated to trying to find myself, trying to find something in my life that made some sense. Naturally we had a guest speaker that knew exactly what I was missing. The salon a block away from school O'HAIR came and the owner was just amazing. Normally guest speakers do one model maybe keep our attention and we might learn something. But today 4 models later, not a boring moment, and some valuable insights later I felt at ease and ready to come home and plan my life... well a little of it that is. Two quotes stood out to me today the first being:
"Life's about the dashes."
Life isn't about the beginning or the end. the day you're born or the day you leave this earth. That little dash that goes between those dates is so much more then a mark, a line, a pause. That dash is life, it's a journey, stories, tears, sweat, anger, passion, joy, happiness, love. It's everything, now how does that all fit in that little mark I don't know but it sure as hell has some power behind it. The dashes are those late nights trying to get your first kid to sleep, staying up talking to someone, dancing in the rain... those dashes are what makes us who we are. When this was said today I knew I wanted to write about it, not only because I personally liked it but because in my industry sometimes we get so caught up on our final goal that we forget to enjoy that dash time, we get so driven we don't see what's around us. This industry moves a mile a minute and we all need to remember to look around and always appreciate what we have and be grateful for all the connections we've had the pleasure of making. The second quote currently resides on the back of the new O'HAIR t-shirt:
"A man who works with his hands is a laborer. A man who works with his hands and his brain is a craftsman. A man who works with his hands, brains, and heart is an artist."
This struck a cord with me because coming from an artistic background you realize things based on how you feel them. Half the time I'll react to something solely on how it makes me feel whether it's the right way at the time or not. Creating something with your hands is so gratifying. Making someone happy, and confident with themselves is an amazing gift and I wouldn't trade it for anything. Jobs where you get to connect with people and work on expanding a relationship are so mentally and physically taxing. 
This past weekend I assisted on a fashion show at school and went the majority of the day not even worrying about anything else, I was so caught up in what I was doing that nothing else mattered and that is how passionate you should be about everything that matters to you. I love feeling like there is never going to be an end to the inspiration in my head. I've had my share of interesting friendships, and at the end of the day my passion is people. Some say I'm walked all over, some say I'm too nice and I need to learn to be a bitch. But I choose to see the best in people even when they don't see it in themselves. And with this passion, this career, I get to bring out that beauty for the rest of the world to see :) Stay inspired. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Refuse to be forgotten.

So this picture (stolen from Lindsey's blog) is basically my life right now...

It really says a million words, at least to me. We all know that I tend to not be able to make up my mind, and I might have some difficulties sticking to what say I am going to do, BUT I'm writing this as a personal promise to myself, and anyone reading that I am going to...get ready...not care so much! Now, come on I know you are all shaking your heads but the fact of the matter is I don't have a choice. So many things are changing in my life and I need to be able to focused on me, and if you know me you know I suck at that :) Today I had a talk with a good friend and came to a conclusion that sometimes you have to walk away, and make it to the top, and then see who managed to stick with you the whole time. That statement scares the shit out of me. All I am certain of these days is that I love what I do, and I'm good at it. My dream for those lucky ones who don't know, is to do freelance non-union and union hair and make up, but I want to specialize mainly in fashion editorials and magazine ads such as beauty stories and fashion stories. Anna Wintour is my hero, alongside Kelly Cutrone, and just like them I wanna become something greater then myself in my industry. We shall see about that, for now I'll stick to perfecting things like this...

This is what I do to Lisa :) She likes to badass sometimes. 
I have always been too creative for my own good, and when I did do that whole college things for a year I was majoring in art, but found out school just isn't for me. I'm all over the place. One day I wanna join the peace corps and listen to Florence + the Machine, the next day I love Eminem and want to own my own tattoo shop in LA, granted I've never been to the West Coast, I hear it's lovely. I wanna go to New York City and see what I can do, but I'd be happy right here. Basically for now you're never going to what you're going to get with me, but why would you want it to be predictable? I wouldn't :)