Christmas: the annual festival of the Christian Church commemorating that birth of Jesus; celebrated on December 25 and now generally observed as a legal holiday and an occasion to exchange gifts.
According to the above is the definition of Christmas; and, I must say it has gotten it pretty accurate to what we view it as these days. Christmas is in existence because of Him, and now we as a people have made it into a mad dash to the mall to purchase the "perfect" gift. Now, I love a good gift just like the rest of us. But as I have grown up I have become more observant of what this "government holiday" has evolved into. Not only do we grow up, and loose the ability to believe in Santa, but the holiday becomes less special with age.
Aren't things supposed to get better with age?
I personally truly enjoy giving gifts. I love finding something that will bring a smile to a friend, family member, or co-workers face. But this year I just feel different...
I have been blessed to have people in my life that have taught me the value of our lives, and everything that being here entails. A wonderful, amazing, and strong young women, that I have the pleasure to call a great friend ventured to Haiti this past summer. Through her stories, and amazing photographs, she touched so many lives. I find myself thinking back to everything she told me about this trip in an effort to keep myself grounded this holiday season. My intention is not to discourage anyone from enjoying this fabulous holiday, but to ask you to think a little longer about where you are, and how unbelievably lucky you are to have been born here.
(A photo Linds took while in Haiti.)
The holidays for me have become a time to reflect on what we really need, not desire. This is where I find myself struggling at the thought of beginning my shopping. I would rather someone donate their time, talents, or hearts to something that means something to them then to spend on me, and for the first time in my life I truly believe in what I am saying. We are given talents for a reason, and I believe no matter where we are, our financial status, or our relationship with a greater power, we can always give. You never know what a smile can do, listening to someone tell a story, or even holding a door can do for someone's day. Giving doesn't always mean money.
It's my first Christmas as Salon Laurie and something they try to do is help make a Christmas more special for a family from The House of Ruth. I think we did an amazing job :)
(Rachel, Suz, Cait, and Laurie getting it all ready)
So when you're running around getting those last few gifts, or sitting in traffic after a long day, and believe me I know it's frustrating, just take a deep breathe and remember what this holiday is really about.
I don't expect anyone to change anything about their Christmas, and I will probably have to cave and purchase presents. But I bet you I'll get everyone TOMS :)
My wish for Christmas this year is for everyone who isn't as blessed as me to have a wonderful, warm, and comfortable holiday filled with just, happiness.
Happy Holidays!
May your days be full of love, life, and inspiration.
stay inspired,
tiff :)